
In the year 2018, I worked. A lot. It’s a running joke with many of my friends. I got to the end of the year and realized I hadn’t been anywhere, haven’t traveled at all. So I thought the Christmas break would be a great time to do so. So after talking with my friend Fidel, he reminded me that our friend Namema is actually in Japan for a few months also. I had some texts with Namema the next day, I bought the flight tickets that night.

Day 1:

As I’m flying to Tokyo, I’m thinking there’s a good chance things will change dramatically when I return. I’m ready.

There’s a possibility I have too many people on the bus. Or people on the bus who want to go a different direction.

What if I wrote a book on “Happiness”.

Internal question. Am I a writer or a real estate writer? A business writer? A management writer? Or just a writer? (as I may write about my travels)

I wouldn’t dare use another email client. I loved my blackberry, the email was perfect. I left that for the iPhone email. It would take something earth-shattering for me to change from that. It is easy straightforward not complicated and often works better than outlook on a desktop pc. With that being said the google calendar app looks amazing, my one fear is Google is good for killing off software. I think I’ll give it a shot, I like the idea of syncing my google hub to my calendar reminders.

Classic Jerrod moment. The woman next to me on the flight watched movies. At the same time, I’m writing a book(The 10 Efficiency Commandments to be released January 15, 2019). My little productive ways.

The woman next to me on the flight says she going to x country to get into debauchery. I’m thinking to myself well I live in New York City, no need to travel for that.

Day 2:

I’ve never scheduled a vacation the day after my birthday. My birthday is usually a time with family. The day after is usually super anticlimactic for me. This year is different. I’m doing a life changing experience the day after. I should make this a regular occurrence.

I spent so much of 2018 helping others. This vacation to end out the year was for me.

Working in New York City will force you to be sharp. Or be cut.

There’s a definite commodity here. And everyone knows it.

Day 3:

Someone the other day said when I moved to nyc I was like an immigrant, I said absolutely. Moving around Tokyo now in day 3 feels similar, I’ve gotten the train system down to a science now. I’m moving around the city rather easily. Other Uber overcharged me last night, I gotta get them to fix that. Similar to
New York City, most venues take cards but some only take cash, so you have to always have cash on you just in case. Other than that I’m moving around at will.

Cosplay is a real thing.

We went to a fun hip hop club last night.

Ran into a jaded black man from Brooklyn who has been here 3 years. Felt compelled to tell me some war stories at the bar. Nothing particularly surprising, it’s the world we live in.

In grad school, we learned the term flight to quality. Ran into a guy from Germany and Senegal last night, he said here we have the perfect opening line, I’m from xyz I have experienced things you’ve never seen somewhere you’ve never been…….. it’s an instant conversation piece.

There’s a tv show where a dude with face paint sneaks into peoples bedrooom, lifts their pillows they awaken in horror, cameras shining in their face, then the tv switches back to the television audience with host all laughing in entertainment. The first was a young woman I was like omg this is aweful, the next two were both men they were equally scared and frantic as they’re awaken. Last night at the bar, the jaded New Yorker told me some crazy real life stories.

Earth Wind and Fire is universal love. Spanning generations.

Day 4:

Everything is quality here.

Sugio means super.

Most clubs I’ve been too the owner is there and very friendly. Excellent customer service.

Many of the venues are like a little living room with a bar. Guest can come and hang out. Some require membership. Most let you hang for hours.

The TV in my room is like a big smart screen, show activities in the building, a layout of amenities, weather, etc.

Day 5:

Mcdonald’s here has given me the best service ever. Even better than Spain. Service with a smile. Then after I’ve finished eating, they stopped me walking to the trash and sort my items into paper and plastic and place in the trash. Bruh USA is behind the curve. Service is important here.

One important fact of life that sticks out to me here, there is no second class. Everyone is the same. Everyone is Japanese, you cant really see the difference between the rich and poor. Of course there’s a few men with nicer suits,and women when nicer shoes and bags but it’s not drastically pronounced. Not a single person homeless outside sleeping in the streets. Not one.

I finally figured out the train system.

I’m curious as to what sparked this doll cosplay culture. Did it start here? Is it influenced by western culture?

Jazz is big everywhere here.


Day 6:

Getting around is very normal at this point.

I loooove my hotel. It’s perfect. Quiet. Fully functional. A 24 hour 7 eleven across the street and a train station across the street. It’s perfect.

It’s funny every once in a while you run across a western world white person and remember the power dynamic of walking in close proximity (fear of a black man). It’s none existent with the japenese folks, it is a factor in western world.

The women’s shoes here are better than any I’ve seen anywhere in the world. Yes even better than New York. Women here have a great sense and choice of shoes. Heels, pumps, sneakers, socks and accessories. It’s pretty impressive.

I didn’t realize there were 8k TVs. I was happy with my little 4k.

I’m curious to see the part of Tokyo that doesn’t take the train.

I bet this place outshines nyc in the summer time.

Day 7:

Headed home. This was an amazing vacation. Long enough to fully immerse.

Already making moves back in the states. The grind doesn’t stop.

I put Marvin into the game. He’s a world traveler. His potential to enjoy things is exponential.

My hotel was fantastic. Im thoroughly pleased. I think I’ll find out where else in the world they have locations.

I got almost all the souvenirs I wanted to buy.

Next time I come here I want to see the non-touristy sections. The areas where trains aren’t going.

This airport is very pleasant.