What are the Government Powers over Real Estate?

What are the Government Powers over Real Estate?

As many are watching unfold, we’re getting a crash course in what are the governments power over private property. The government wall aggressively pursued by the federal government will be an unprecedented government take over of private property on a scale we have...
The “Green” New Deal – The Millennial Power Grab

The “Green” New Deal – The Millennial Power Grab

We’ve all watched the greatest generation and baby boomer generation have their long storied run of the United States of America and for a large part run the world. In conversations we’ve all said all the ills and remain in the psyche of that generation, will pass...
Why Millennials are Delaying Homeownership

Why Millennials are Delaying Homeownership

Millennials are now over 75 million, the largest generation in US History. Compared to previous generations, they’re more educated, more tech-savvy, more racially and ethnically diverse. They are marrying and having children later in life. Many millennials, 21 to 38,...
Facebook Invests in Affordable Housing

Facebook Invests in Affordable Housing

We may have reached a turning point in American History. A major corporation has taken on a task which is typically reserved for the government to handle, to provide housing communities. In America, the government has provided or incentivized housing in a variety of...